Prospects and challenges of using hydrogen as an alternative fuel in the internal combustion engines of vechicles
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 12
Among the alternative energy sources, of particular importance is hydrogen energy, which is likely to address the acute environmental problem of large cities in the near future, in terms of pollution of the environment, first of all, of air pollution from vehicles. Among hydrogen-containing raw materials, which can be used in a fuel component, hydrogen sulphide is of particular importance. It is well-known that the Black Sea the largest basin on the planet by the amounts of hydrogen sulphide dissolved in water. In that regard, the Black Sea is the object of the attention of scientists, since its deep waters contain hydrogen sulphide, hydrosuphide and suphide ions in large quantities. The sources of their origin are gases erupted from the volcanic and geological splits existing at the bottom of the sea, as well as organic substances and products of decomposition of microorganisms brought down by the rivers. In this regard, the Black sea may become a potential source of hydrogen energy, and simultaneously that may improve environmental situation in the Black Sea. The paper analyzes the challenges existing in the use of hydrogen obtained from hydrogen sulphide of the Black Sea, as an alternative fuel in the internal combustion engines of vehicles, as well as the prospects for addressing these challenges.
Authors and Affiliations
Teimuras Kochadze, Irakli Sharabidze, Bachana Markelia
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