Prospects and Dynamics of Special Autonomy Post Aceh Government Law No. 11 of 2006 in Aceh
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research - Year 2024, Vol 3, Issue 1
After the birth of the Aceh Government Law a year ago, the prospect of Special Autonomy in implementing and implementing all government system tools in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam requires high energy. On the other hand, we read that the Unitary State system is in accordance with scientific theory. This research uses qualitative methods to see how individual candidates can survive amidst the onslaught of local and national political parties in Aceh. From the research results, it was found that the existence of individual candidates had caused political tensions in Aceh after the formation of local political parties.The State is also usually called unitary, the form of government is a single structure. It is not composed of several countries like a federation. This means that as a unitary State, there is only one State. Thus, in a unitary state there is only one government, namely the central government which has the highest power or authority in all areas of government.
Authors and Affiliations
Dahlan A. Rahman
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