Prospects for improving penalties for crimes in the field of the protection of minors’ morality, taking into account the experience of foreign countries
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 35
The article is devoted to the comparative legal analysis of the provisions of the Criminal Codes of foreign countries on the punishment for crimes against the morality of minors. Differences in the approaches to such punishments in post-socialist countries and other countries of continental, Anglo-Saxon, mixed and Far Eastern-traditional legal systems have been established and described. It is concluded that it is reasonable to expand the list of alternative punishments for crimes against the morality of minors in Ukraine by means of including fine and public service. The concept analysis of criminal law norms in the criminal codes of post-socialist countries has revealed that: a) the child labor exploitation, as well as the use of a young child in begging are not subject to a separate, special, criminal-law prohibition in any of the criminal laws of the mentioned countries; b) criminal liability for juvenile involvement in committing a crime and in other anti-social activities are mostly foreseen by various articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code. At the same time, in contrast to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, differentiation according to special forms of involvement is less pronounced depending on the type of anti-social activity; с) the punishment for involvement in criminal activity on the one hand and in other anti-social activities – on the other, are very different, which confirms noting of various degrees of social danger of these acts, as well as typical features of the identity of offenders, which predetermine a specific set of penitentiary measures of a criminal nature, capable to achieve the statutory goals of punishment. The conclusion was made about the expediency of expanding the list of alternative punishments for crimes against the morals of minors in Ukraine by means of fines and public works.
Authors and Affiliations
А. Р. Топузян, A. R. Topuzyan
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