Протидія просуванню демократії в умовах «української кризи»: чи ефективний російський «суверенний авторитаризм?»
Journal Title: Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу - Year 2017, Vol 35, Issue
The article deals with the efforts of the Russian Federation, which is pushing the concept of “sovereign authoritarianism”,to resist democracy promotion under the conditions of “Ukraine Crisis”. The author emphasizes that the ideological component plays an important role for the global geopolitical fight. In particluar, ideological basis of geopolitical struggle for Ukraine has a significant influence and largely determines the course of confrontation between the main global players, namely: the collective West and Russia. Russian Federation has developed its own concept of the non-liberal regime and the mechanisms of its external projection as a way to counter the democracy promotion. By the end of 2017, Russia`s “sovereign authoritarianism” shows its sufficient effectiveness to contain democracy promotion efforts towards Ukraine under the conditions of the “Ukraine Crisis” and in the wider context of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitaliy Motsok
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