Протидія та запобігання злочинам проти власності в діяльності Національної поліції України
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 80, Issue 4
У статті розглянуто правові засади, завдання та стан протидії й запобігання злочинам проти власності підрозділами Національної поліції. Зазначено, що за масштабами й темпами поширення такі злочини посідають чільне місце в структурі всієї злочинності, а тому значною мірою визначають криміногенну ситуацію в державі загалом. Запропоновано напрями вдосконалення запобігання злочинам проти власності. The article considers the basic principles of functioning of the institution of property rights, as defined by the Constitution of Ukraine. It is emphasized that one of the main guarantees of the inviolability of the property right is the establishment by the state of criminal liability for offenses against property, ensuring the same criminally-legal protection of the rights of all subjects of property right, regardless of its form. It is noted that a constant increase in the number of registered crimes against property against the backdrop of a deterioration in their disclosure leads to disorganization of the country's economic life, negatively affects the well-being of citizens, causes the population to feel unprotected from criminal manifestations and, accordingly, mistrust of law enforcement bodies that must provide such protection. Counteraction and prevention of crimes against property is one of the most important tasks of law enforcement bodies, and, first and foremost, the police. Ukrainian legislator directly attributed to the duties of the National Police the opposition and prevention of crimes against property and granted it the appropriate authority. Such prevention provides for the police to implement the measures prescribed by law to prevent the determinants of such criminal manifestations from acting, primarily the reasons and conditions of the latter due to restrictions, neutralization, and, if possible, elimination of their actions. Crimes against property (mercenary crimes) form the basis of so-called general-criminal crime. The statistics testify to the growth of crimes of this category. In terms of the scale and rate of spread of such crimes, traditionally occupy a prominent place in the structure of all criminality, and therefore to a large extent determine the criminal situation in the state as a whole. The work emphasizes the need to take urgent and decisive measures to increase the effectiveness of the National Police of Ukraine, develop, adopt and implement comprehensive programs to prevent and counter crimes against property. The range of police tasks for counteraction and prevention of crimes against property is defined.
Authors and Affiliations
Микола Олександрович Свірін
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