Prototype Learning Activities for Grade 9 Science
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 6
This research ascertained the effectiveness of prototype learning activities in teaching Grade 9 Science at Consolacion National High School Day Class, Poblacion Occidental, Consolacion, Cebu. It was carried out to 200 Grade 9 students using the quantitative inferential method. The study utilized a 50 item multiple test type which covered the competencies on characterizing the properties of metals in terms of their structure, explaining the formation of ionic and covalent bonding, and using the mole concept to express the mass of substances. This set of questions was given to the teacher and the student respondents to find out if there was a notable difference in the perceptions of the two respondent groups on the effectiveness of the prototype learning activities in terms of comprehensibility, ease of use, and relevance. Results showed that there was no significant difference in the perceptions of the two respondent groups of the aforementioned variables of effectiveness. There was no significant correlation between the students' perception on effectiveness and performance. The prototype learning activities were utilized during the intervention phase of this study as basis for an enhanced activities to be developed as the output of the study. It is composed of group simulations and questions to enhance learning and improve students' performance. Hence, it is recommended to all Grade 9 science teachers to arouse students' interest and increase their participation in the science activities. Gwelyne Albaracin | Roberto L. Suson "Prototype Learning Activities for Grade 9 Science" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , October 2019, URL: Paper URL:
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