Providing navigation safety at seaports of Ukraine: some aspects of state administration

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 16, Issue 2


State administration in the field of ensuring the safety of navigation is an essential direction of the state’s activity, the legal basis of which are the norms of international agreements. The leading role of the state and its bodies in the organizationallylegal provision of maritime safety in seaports is a recognized standard of world navigation. At all times, the port’ states were responsible for the safety and security of ships in its own ports, including regulation and reliable and effective maintenance of navigation safety in them. Harbor Masters – as the main, appointed by a state, officials in seaports – are guarantors of the safety requirements of navigation on them. The administrative and legal component of the safety of navigation is the direct involvement of the state (its bodies and officials) in the organization and the legal regulation of this sphere. The bases of such state administration are stipulated in the norms of the international agreements, which became part of the national legislation of Ukraine, and are, in essence, the standards of such provision. At the same time, not always applicable mechanisms of public (state) administration are adequate to the developed situation and correspond to the world practice of navigation, may cause misunderstandings and need to be solved at the present time.

Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Plachkova, Татьяна Плачкова, Тетяна Плачкова


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  • EP ID EP559388
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.2.2019.3
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How To Cite

Tetiana Plachkova, Татьяна Плачкова, Тетяна Плачкова (2019). Providing navigation safety at seaports of Ukraine: some aspects of state administration. Lex portus, 16(2), 41-57.