Provincial databases on degraded post-industrial and post-military areas as an element supporting their transformation processes in line with the principles of sustainable development
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 4
In the absence of new developed areas for investment, the re-development of degraded post-industrial and post-military areas should be promoted among potential investors. Keeping records of endangered areas by establishing resource databases on post-industrial and post-military areas is the starting point for any efforts designed to develop such areas, hopefully leading to environmental improvements by removal of waste deposited there and causing harmful impacts, and to create an appropriate sustainable eco-system. The paper aims to describe the activities undertaken in order to tidy up the areas in a number of voivodships (provinces), which involve the inventory of the areas to be revitalized and the creation of the related database.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Zagórska
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