Prussian Blue An Radioactive De Corporation Agent
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2019, Vol 3, Issue 4
During the past few years, Science and Technology has extended to a large extent. They are mainly used in the field of medicine, diagnosis and treatment of the various diseases. Radioisotopes are extensively used in the field of medicine, treatment and diagnosis. But Apart from it, their major use is in the field of diagnosis. When a Human or a Living Being comes in contact with the radiations which are exerted by the radioactive elements or comes in contact with the any of the radioactive elements then it got incorporated in its body cells, tissues or organs. So, as to remove them we extensively used the de corporation technique, which works on the phenomenon of adsorption. The agents we preferably used in the de corporation are known as de corporating agents. There are mainly two categories in which we have divided these decoporating agents they are External de corporating agents and Internal de corporating agents. External de corporating agents are mainly used to remove radioactive elements from the external body surfaces like skin and the mucous membrane and on the other side Internal de corporating agents remove the radioactive elements from the Internal body parts, they are further classified as GI absorbers, Mobilizing agent, Blocking agent, Diluting and Chelating agents. Prussian Blue is one of the most commonly used Internal de corporating agent, it mainly performs their action by the absorption of the radioactive elements in the GIT, so they are also known as the GI absorbers. In US market it is marketed as 5oomg hard gelatin capsule which contains PB granules and marketed by the Brand name of Radio gardase. There are different nuclear disasters which we faced during the last some years like the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, etc. Hence, we concluded that we need De contaminating agents, so as to remove the radioactivity from the body. Hardeep Singh Bambra | Mohd Mazhar "Prussian Blue- An Radioactive De-Corporation Agent" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019, URL: Paper URL:
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