Prywatne nagranie przebiegu mediacji jako źródło dowodowe a tajemnica przedsiębiorstwa.

Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 33


Contemporary technology gives almost unlimited opportunities of recording any behaviors and activities and any individual takes (wiretapping, private audio or video recordings, GPS, LBS). The article focuses on recording the course of mediation by one of the parties and using this information in civil proceedings. This information may constitute a business secret. In the course of the mediation business secrets can be talked about, if the parties will be presented with information having commercial value, known only to a particular category of persons and related to conducted economic activity in case of which sufficient precautions have been taken to maintain its confidentiality. One way to ensure confidentiality is to sign the confidential disclosure agreement under art. 721 of the Civil Code. It does not eliminate the possibility of recording the course of mediation by one of the parties and the use of the recording in the civil proceedings pending between the parties of mediation.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Kozłowski


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How To Cite

Łukasz Kozłowski (2016). Prywatne nagranie przebiegu mediacji jako źródło dowodowe a tajemnica przedsiębiorstwa.. ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja, 1(33), 39-50.