Przebudowa wieluńskiego ratusza w latach 1567-1568

Journal Title: Rocznik Wieluński - Year 2016, Vol 16, Issue


The article discusses the reconstruction of the town hall in Wieluń in the years 1567-1568. The earliest mention of the building dates from year 1401. Town hall clock occurs in sources from the early sixteenth century. The process of building was directed by masons from Silesia. The other craftsmen were from Wieluń. According to the accounts, costs of labor and tools amounted to 250 florins 6 groses 15 denariuses. It was not a full cost. There was no expenditure for the purchase of construction materials in the accounting books. During the remodeling the town hall clock had been dismantled, which was later on transported to Wrocław to be repaired or modernized probably. After it was taken back to Wieluń, the town hall clock, for the time of renovation of the town hall, was mounted on the tower of the parish church. After the clock had been repaired in 1568, it was put back at the town hall. The total cost of work with the clock was 35 florins 24 groses and 6 denariuses. Sources indicate that the town hall in Wieluń was one of the most impressive edifices of its kind in this part of the Polish Kingdom in the sixteenth century.

Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Grabarczyk


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How To Cite

Tadeusz Grabarczyk (2016). Przebudowa wieluńskiego ratusza w latach 1567-1568. Rocznik Wieluński, 16(), 89-105.