Przedsiębiorca właściwy do nabycia własności urządzeń przesyłowych w rozumieniu art. 49 § 2 Kodeksu cywilnego
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 4
The subject of the article is an attempt to define an entity identified as “an entrepreneur who has connected facilities to its network” within various organizational and legal forms, in which services in the field of water supply and sewage disposal are provided. The author recognises some difficulties in judicial practice when it comes to determination of an entity obliged under Article 49 para. 2 of the Civil Code to acquire property of transmission facilities. In the author’s opinion, the determining factor in resolving this matter is the fact which entity owns devices included in the network.
Authors and Affiliations
Ilona Szczepańska-Kulik
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