Przedwojnie i powojnie – podzielony świat w wizji modernizacji powojennej prasy codziennej (Łódź 1945–1948)

Journal Title: Przegląd Socjologiczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4


The first years after WWII were a time to create the world anew. It was a moment of redefinition and settling on a new meaning for old words. My examination of postwar press reveals its organisation around two opposite categories: the prewar and the postwar reality. Analysing four dailies published in the Polish industrial centre of Łódź between 1945 and 1949, I trace a binary logic of discourse. I reconstruct how meanings were settled anew as was the role of the industrial city in postwar Poland. What was a reference point for the modernisation visions described by the press? Where were the described social changestaking place? Wasthere any reason to reconstruct elements of the prewar period? This paper also examines the postwar press from a slightly different angle than is usually done. Firstly, it opposes the newspeak perspective. Secondly, it underlines not the political mobilisation but rather the cooling-down of political emotions and the coalition-building for the country’s reconstruction. From this perspective, the binary logic of discourse is just a universal feature of any hegemonic language and it aims at inclusion, not mobilisation.

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Zysiak


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  • EP ID EP428796
  • DOI 10.26485/PS/2018/67.4/2
  • Views 73
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How To Cite

Agata Zysiak (2018). Przedwojnie i powojnie – podzielony świat w wizji modernizacji powojennej prasy codziennej (Łódź 1945–1948). Przegląd Socjologiczny, 0(4), 37-57.