The article discusses the conception of pravednik (the pious one) in the literary output of two Russian writers - Nicolay Leskov (1831-1895) and Ivan Shmelev (1873-1950). It is an attempt at presenting literary character...
This article deals with the translation of reality names in fantasy literature. Research material was collected from the novels of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski and from their Russian translations. We analyzed the...
The article includes the analysis of the content in the “Literary Section” of the weekly “Kraj” released in Saint Petersburg. The turning point 1906 refers to the revolutionary riots of the Russian Revolution what enable...
Grzegorz Ojcewicz (2003). "Przekład w historii literatury", red. P. Fast, K. Żemła, [Katowice] 2002. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Об эволюции образа праведника в творчестве Николая Лескова и Ивана Шмелева
The article discusses the conception of pravednik (the pious one) in the literary output of two Russian writers - Nicolay Leskov (1831-1895) and Ivan Shmelev (1873-1950). It is an attempt at presenting literary character...
Nazwy realiów w przekładzie literatury fantasy – analiza wybranych utworów Andrzeja Sapkowskiego i ich tłumaczeń na język rosyjski
This article deals with the translation of reality names in fantasy literature. Research material was collected from the novels of the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski and from their Russian translations. We analyzed the...
Problematyka literacko-kulturalna podejmowana na łamach „Działu Literackiego” tygodnika „Kraj” w 1906 roku
The article includes the analysis of the content in the “Literary Section” of the weekly “Kraj” released in Saint Petersburg. The turning point 1906 refers to the revolutionary riots of the Russian Revolution what enable...
O polskim postrzeganiu współczesnych Rosjan oraz ich świata : z problematyki "publicystycznego stereotypu krajów sąsiednich"
Pierwiastki Puszkinowskie w twórczości Maksyma Rylskiego