Demographic changes, and in particular the aging of the population, affect the changing needs of the labor market. Many reports and analysis indicate that it is a very important challenge for both governments and employe...
The article is an analysis of the deliberations on legal and psychological issues. The thesis will include the most important theses on factors protecting against the act of suicide in relation to social life. In the 21s...
Piotr Janiszewski (2011). Przemiany społeczno-demograficzne na obszarze serbołużyckim po 1945 r.. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 9(9),
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Przebranżowienie i nowe wyzwania kompetencyjne na rynku pracy dla osób w średnim wieku (dla osób 45+)
Demographic changes, and in particular the aging of the population, affect the changing needs of the labor market. Many reports and analysis indicate that it is a very important challenge for both governments and employe...
Polityka presuicydalna w państwie – wybrane aspekty bezpieczeństwa obywatela
The article is an analysis of the deliberations on legal and psychological issues. The thesis will include the most important theses on factors protecting against the act of suicide in relation to social life. In the 21s...
Regulacje prawne dotyczące statusu uchodźcy – prawo pierwotne
Charyzmatyczne przywództwo: przypadek Lecha Wa³êsy i Andrzeja Leppera
Narodowa Demokracja wobec idei kryzysu cywilizacji zachodniej