Przymiotnikowe derywaty o znaczeniu niepełnej cechy i ich prefigowane synonimy w gwarach Polski centralnej
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
The article presents the phenomenon of derivational synonymy of forms formed from adjectives with the meaning of incomplete feature which appear in central Poland dialects. Types of suffixal derivatives establishing relations of synonymity and closeness of meaning with their equivalents formed from the same root with the use of prefixes as well as by means of prefix-suffixal derivation are discussed within the context of other dialects and standard Polish, e.g. bladawy – przyblady, rudawy – porudawy, rzadkawy – półrzadki, przyrzadkawy, obrzadni; głupawy, głupowaty, głupkowaty – półgłupi, przygłupi etc. The analysis takes into account the geographical aspect of the variance indicating its regional and local scope.
Authors and Affiliations
Irena Jaros
З гісторыі развіцця лексікі старабеларускай дзелавой пісьменнасці XIV – сярэдзіны XVI ст. / Z historii rozwoju leksyki starobiałoruskiego piśmiennictwa urzędowego od XIV do połowy XVI wieku
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