Przypisy rzeczowe a tekst główny w publikacjach naukowych
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
The presence of footnotes in a scientific publication divides the message into the main text and supplementations provided by the author, which, on the formal plane, leads to specific disruptions of the cohesion and reception of the text and has the opposite effect on the semantic and functional plane – it increases the chances on proper understanding of a scientific text. The aim of the article is to define cohesion relationships (formal as well as notional-functional) between the main text of a scientific publications and footnotes used in them. Examples include selected scientific works in humanities by eminent contemporary Polish linguists. Footnotes, just as the main text of a scientific publication, have very distinct, explicit relating means, but despite this, it still divides the message into the basic and additional texts at the structural level. The formal relation between them is mostly expressed lexical means of cohesion and by metatext means, which are very frequently enhanced by the use of pronouns. A footnote is never independent in cognitive and pragmatic terms, there exists an inclusive relation between it and the main text; however, this relation does not always have a formal character, which is exemplified by footnotes dividing the text. Text functions of footnotes: defining, explaining, commenting, supplementing, arguing, digressions are components of their discursive function: connecting members of the scientific community, influencing it, establishing a hierarchy within it and research competences of the author of the publication.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Szkudlarek-Śmiechowicz
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