
Розвідка пропонує аналіз імаґінарію та концепції кохання у збірці новел сучасного французького письменника марокканського походження Тагара Бен Джеллуна «Перша любов завше остання» (1995) з опертям на художню топіку його текстів. Аналіз використаних автором острівних, півострівних та середземноморських топосів у сюжетах обраного корпусу новел дозволяє зробити висновок про самобутню авторську психогеографію кохання базовану на автофікціональних маркерах та транскультурній ґенезі його пізнього творчого доробку. The article aims at researcning the concept of love that involves specific imagery in a collection of short stories Le Premier Amour est Toujours le Dernier (1995) by a contemporary francophone writer of a Moroccan origin Tahar Ben Jelloun. The analysis effectuated on a basis of these texts on diverse aspects of affection illustrates a specific psycho-geography of love that has particular cultural, epistemological, as well as worldview-related roots. In particular, it is found out that topos where Ben Jelloun’s love stories have place, is usually related to islands, peninsulas, and Mediterranean space generally. We hold the opinion that such a fictional topos appears as a kind of an identity drift. This notion, first, can be related to the author’s identity as he appears as a multicultural writer exiled from Morocco during Hassan’s II political dictatorship and, therefore, dislocated in between lands, territories, worldviews, and cultures. Secondly, Ben Jelloun’s rich cross-cultural experience can be conceptualized as the one of a «professional stranger» – a travelling transcultural writer who mediates dialogues between representatives of different cultural areas (this concept was formulated by the author’s Maghrebian colleague A. Khatibi). Along with the writer himself, his characters also exemplify drifting behaviors and logics in love regarding their affairs as a primary way of being really, but nevertheless experience a bitter disappoint when facing the emptiness of their illusion. It is found out that, in order to emphasize his conception of a drift, Ben Jelloun includes a variety of imagery based on two fondamental cultural pills, namely a postmodernist perspective on simulacra and simulation bridged with The Middle East transcontinental aesthetics (e.g. mirrors, labyrinths, doubles, shades, allusions to «One Thousand and One Nights», etc.). The discussed corpus of images makes it possible to compare the motive of love in Ben Jelloun’s earlier texts, namely his novels created in 1970–80-s., where main characters’ self-fulfillment is attained through deeds, actions, preplanned and covered itineraries etc. Instead, there appears in the discussed novels a different type of a hero in love, who is extremely vulnerable and emotionally instable in the face of the irrational and deterritorized feeling. Here, the space of love appears as ambiguous, fleeting, and elusive; it is embraced by the imagery of distant islands, mirages, waves, sea landscapes and others. As a matter of fact, the psychology of love in the collection «Le premier amour est toujours le dernier» guides a man neither to a harmony, nor to a better understanding; it instead distracts and spreads away his integrity. We hold that such a conception of love in Ben Jelloun’s analyzed short stories correlates with his personal vision of a writer living and working in between several cultural worlds – the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. Conclusively, Ben Jelloun’s main message on love in his «Le Premier Amour est Toujours le Dernier» is that our impetuous affection mirrors the nature of illusory, incomprehensible human identity: any attempt to capture or hold it would inevitable crumble as if it was just a mirage in between distant islands in the sea. Finally, we understand that the presented paper is a short introduction to a broader topic that can be further expanded founded on cultural studies, lingual poetics, and phenomenology.

Authors and Affiliations

Олена Іванівна Кобчінська


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Олена Іванівна Кобчінська (2018). ПСИХОГЕОГРАФІЯ ТА ІМАҐІНАРІЙ КОХАННЯ У ЗБІРЦІ НОВЕЛ ТАГАРА БЕН ДЖЕЛЛУНА «ПЕРША ЛЮБОВ ЗАВШЕ ОСТАННЯ». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(19), 69-76. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-560744