Psychohygienic characteristics of the prenosological psychodiagnostics of pupils with vision pathology

Journal Title: ScienceRise: Medical Science - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 5


The aim. The article represents the results of the study of criterial psychophysiological functions of adolescents with visual impairment. The interconnections of the visual analyzer with other analyzers and central nervous system, their participation in creating of visual-spatial representations, as well as the importance of the influence of adaptive factors on the development of the organism of such adolescents to the environment and, above all, to the educational process. These adolescents have a high risk for the development of the maladaptation states. That is why the purpose of the study was to solve one of the modern problems of preventive medicine - the problems of health promotion and adaptation to the environment of such adolescents, because they require special measures for social and professional adaptation in connection with the health features. In addition, to establish the criterion role of the function of short-term memory in the psychodiagnosis of functional state and prediction of adaptive abilities of adolescents with pathology of the organ of vision. Materials and methods. Based on the objectives of our research were used universally adapted methods: "psycho diagnostic questionnaire of the high school student", based on an assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system, its criterion physiological functions and assessment of the mechanical memory volume by the method of "complete reproduction of numerical series" with the expectation indicator - the amount of short-term memory (STM). Results. Consequently, the results of the study on the psychophysiological state of the students of all the studied groups indicate the influence of a complex of external factors, primarily related to the school environment. After all, the learning process is accompanied by stressful loads that create conditions for the active manifestation of latent disease processes. The results of such influence are reflected in the success of certain activities, including the training process and the peculiarities of pupils' behavior. Conclusions. In order to optimize the process of psychohygienic psychophysiological adaptation of students with visual impairments, it is proposed: improving the mental condition, correction of emotional-volitional and cognitive areas receiving help in socialization. The educational process must be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of mental and physical development in terms of the content, forms and methods of teaching, the corresponding regime of the day, which ensures the system of teaching and educational, medical and preventive work, rehabilitation measures. In general, the educational process in these institutions should have a vector for correction and development of the adolescent

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Sasina, Vladimir Korobchanskiy


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  • EP ID EP646470
  • DOI 10.15587/2519-4798.2018.139784
  • Views 212
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How To Cite

Olga Sasina, Vladimir Korobchanskiy (2018). Psychohygienic characteristics of the prenosological psychodiagnostics of pupils with vision pathology. ScienceRise: Medical Science, 0(5), 44-48.