Psychological and Pedagogical Direction of Music


The given research represents a theoretical study of the problem of the psychological and pedagogical influence of music on a person. The article reflects the retrospective of the birth of musical psychology, the educational and communicative side of music. Attempts have been made to study theoretically the psychophysical and psycho physiological properties of music, which allow one to reveal the effectiveness of its influence on the human nervous system. In addition, music unites the moral and aesthetic culture on the path to the formation of spirituality, which reflects its moral, ethical and aesthetic aspects. The author concludes that correctly selected music influences the purposeful activity of a person, since it promotes such a restructuring of the organism, which causes more efficient course of physiological processes. At the same time, its use in training specialists not only in pedagogical professions, but also in those professions where one has to work directly with the human resource in labour activity, will contribute to the formation of personal qualities necessary for the full and effective implementation of multilateral professional activities.Along with general psychology, musical psychology dates back to the ancient times. Therefore, Pythagoras compared public activities, both with a musical style, and with an orchestra in which each person, like an instrument in an orchestra, has got his own role. They created the doctrine of eurhythmy, which was understood as a person's ability to find the right rhythm in all life manifestations. Pythagoras declared that through finding the right rhythm a person can enter the rhythm of the life of his city, and then connect to the rhythm of the world whole - the cosmos, based on the laws of universal harmony. Also, Pythagoras found that certain melodies and rhythms exert a corresponding influence on the mental state of people [1]. According to Plato, the strength and power of the state depends on what kind of music it sounds, in which modes and rhythms. The ancient Greek philosopher believed that in a country is permissible only that music which helps to rise to human being [2]. According to Aristotle, music is a means of harmonizing the individual with society. He developed the doctrine of mimesis, which presupposed an idea of the inner world of human and ways of influencing him by means of art. Within the framework of the theory of mimesis, Aristotle developed the concept of catharsis, according to which, when contemplating theatrical performances, the soul of the viewer and listener is freed from painful affects. Aristotle believed that in the process of deep empathy a person is cleansed spiritually, and his personal/private life grows from one's identity to universality, implying social life under it [3].Aristotle has testified about the impact of music on the mental condition of the person, described in details the musical modes, some of which make a person compassionate and tender, others - contribute to the emergence of irritation or excitement.

Authors and Affiliations

Aftimichuk Olga


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  • EP ID EP591727
  • DOI 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.09.001752
  • Views 184
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How To Cite

Aftimichuk Olga (2018). Psychological and Pedagogical Direction of Music. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR), 9(1), 6907-6911.