Psychopatologia życia społecznego: Children in transnational migration reality: a social norm or pathology? Transnational family migration of Poles to Ireland after 2004
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2017, Vol 18, Issue 1
Transnational family migration is a current social phenomenon that affects not only adultmigrants but also children. Despite the fact that children are frequent participants of familymigration, they are rarely asked to express their opinion about it. However, children’s reactionsto the transnational separation from a parent/parents, or their own movement to thenew country, shape family relationship dynamics. Transnational family separation imposesa substantial cost on children. The reunification of migrant parents and children is fraughtwith challenges. Children face difficulties associated with adapting to the new situation, environment,and language. Children who migrate in their early age and are socialized in thehost country may reject their parents’ transnational practices and plans. Intergenerationaltensions have their roots in conflicting traditions of parents and new approaches taken bychildren. Even if transnational family migration becomes a contemporary social norm, thisnorm seems to have a conflictual character for the family relations. Findings are based onintensive fieldwork conducted with 45 Polish migrants living in Ireland.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Muszel
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