Enantiomers as a optically active forms of drugs now have a big impact on most areas of pharmacotherapy. They arouse a large interest in the field of psychiatry and especially in the treatment of depression. This is due...
Disturbances in understanding and expression of emotional prosody of speech (aprosodia) belong to frequent but rarely described symptoms of schizophrenia, that negatively influence the life quality of patients. The role...
Multiple functional imaging techniques help to a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of autism-spectrum disorders (ASD). The early functional imaging studies on ASD focused on task-specific methods related...
Cel badań: ocena dominujących stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem u młodocianych pacjentów dokonujących zamierzonych samouszkodzeń (ZSU) i leczonych psychiatrycznie oraz ich poziomu inteligencji emocjonalnej w zależności od...
Objectives: To evaluate anxiety level (as a trait and as a state) and the intensity of depressive symptoms in mothers of children with hyperkinetic disorder (HD) and with and without comorbid conduct disorder (CD); to de...
EP ID EP136161
Views 99
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How To Cite
Jerzy Aleksandrowicz (2013). PSYCHOTERAPIA I PORADNICTWO. Pod redakcją Colina Felthama i Iana Hortona. Psychiatria Polska, 47(5),
957-958. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-136161
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Enantiomers: a new problem in pharmacotherapy of depression?
Enantiomers as a optically active forms of drugs now have a big impact on most areas of pharmacotherapy. They arouse a large interest in the field of psychiatry and especially in the treatment of depression. This is due...
Disturbances of emotional prosody in schizophrenia
Disturbances in understanding and expression of emotional prosody of speech (aprosodia) belong to frequent but rarely described symptoms of schizophrenia, that negatively influence the life quality of patients. The role...
Seeking the aetiology of autistic spectrum disorder. Part 2: functional neuroimaging
Multiple functional imaging techniques help to a better understanding of the neurobiological basis of autism-spectrum disorders (ASD). The early functional imaging studies on ASD focused on task-specific methods related...
Ocena stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem i inteligencji emocjonalnej u samouszkadzającej się młodzieży leczonej psychiatrycznie w zależności od wybranych czynników klinicznych
Cel badań: ocena dominujących stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem u młodocianych pacjentów dokonujących zamierzonych samouszkodzeń (ZSU) i leczonych psychiatrycznie oraz ich poziomu inteligencji emocjonalnej w zależności od...
State and trait anxiety level and increase of depression among mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder. Pilot study.
Objectives: To evaluate anxiety level (as a trait and as a state) and the intensity of depressive symptoms in mothers of children with hyperkinetic disorder (HD) and with and without comorbid conduct disorder (CD); to de...