Psychotherapy in older adults with major depression in psychogeriatric ward
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2014, Vol 171, Issue 4
Summary: Psychotherapy of the elderly appears to be a very important part of comprehensive treatment, and its character should be based on a holistic vision of the patient. The effectiveness of the individual Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) and Problem Solving Therapy (PST) is well establish in clinical trial. In treating patients at the psycho geriatric ward, on account of the described clinical state placed in the article, we apply Supportive Therapy (ST) and existential approach. An important element of therapy is a holistic approach to the needs of the patient, an attempt to understand their internal conflicts, a focus on long-term therapy and the setting of realistic goals tailored to the patient's abilities. A positive change in thinking can bear fruit in the patient’s everyday life, their functioning, and in their relationships with other people. It seems, that at elderly people, choice of the psychotherapeutic method should adapt individually to the clinical state, therapeutic readiness to work and one's situation in life of the patient In this article, the authors share their own experiences and reflections from the use of individual and group psychotherapy with elderly patients in the psychogeriatric ward.
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Rachel, Agnieszka Turkot
Psychologia twórczości jako źródło inspiracji dla psychoterapeutów
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