Public-private partnerships as a way of ensuring sustainable rural development

Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2017, Vol 138, Issue 138


The author examined the essence of public-private partnership and its features in accordance with international law. The model of public-private partnership can become one of the ways to ensure sustainable development of rural areas in Ukraine, as it will facilitate the attraction of additional funds from private subjects for the implementation of state and regional rural development programs. The author analyzes the national legislation and proposes its improvement through the introduction of amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On state-private partnership» (it is expedient to include agricultural activities to the sphere of public-private partnership) and to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of the plan of measures to implement the Concept of development of rural areas», which should provide for the development of rural development projects on the basis of public-private partnerships and proposes adoption of the Concept of public-private partnerships for sustainable rural development. The author proposes to stimulate the development of non-agrarian activities in rural areas on the basis of public-private partnerships for the following reasons. First, support for the diversification of the rural economy, in particular through the development of non-agricultural can promote the development of rural areas by increasing jobs and the development of infrastructure. Second, the development of other types of activities in rural areas is one of the way to ensure sustainable development of rural areas. Third, the state, supporting the mechanism of public-private partnership, will continue the process of transformation model of the rural development from the sectoral into the territorial model.

Authors and Affiliations

Інна Кульчій


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  • EP ID EP226341
  • DOI 10.21564/2414-990x.138.108564
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How To Cite

Інна Кульчій (2017). Public-private partnerships as a way of ensuring sustainable rural development. Проблеми законності, 138(138), 99-108.