Public (state) administration in the field of sea and river transport in Ukraine

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 15, Issue 1


The article is devoted to the definition of the mechanisms of a public (state) administration in the field of sea and river transport in Ukraine. The author notes that the public, in particular, the state administration in the field of sea and river transport in Ukraine is currently in the process of continuous updating and finding new efficient mechanisms of regeneration and economic growth, attraction of cargo flows and reduction of ecological, energy and money expenses while simultaneously introducing new technologies and simplifications of registration, processing and transportation of cargoes. The article describes the modern system of bodies of public (state) administration in the field of sea and river transport in Ukraine, reviewed the main directions and results of their activities and provided suggestions for further improvement of organizational and legal provision of their activities, taking into account the recent updating of the Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine for the period up to 2035. It is noted that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defined the strategy and main directions for the further development of Ukraine as a naval state, and their implementation is entrusted to the systems of state management bodies of the marine activity. The leading components of this system include, in particular, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the State Service for Marine and River Transport of Ukraine, the State Enterprise “Administration of Seaports of Ukraine”, captains and servicemen of the seaports of Ukraine, the State Enterprise “Classification Society The Shipping Register of Ukraine”. An overview of the administrative functions of these institutions was carried out in the field of sea and river transport and the obtained and the expected results of their work were analyzed.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleg Stets, Олег Стець


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  • EP ID EP470975
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.1.2019.5
  • Views 103
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How To Cite

Oleg Stets, Олег Стець (2019). Public (state) administration in the field of sea and river transport in Ukraine. Lex portus, 15(1), 68-88.