Purpose of the Visit ad limina Apostolorum
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 2
Ad limina Apostolorum means the obligation of the diocesan bishop and those who are equal to him under law (apostolic vicar, territorial abbot, territorial prelate, apostolic administrator of an apostolic administration which has been erected on a stable basis, military ordinary, personal ordinary of personal ordinariates for anglicans entering into full communion with the catholic Church and apostolic administrator of Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Maria Vianney) to visit, at stated times, the thresholds of the Apostles, and to present themselves before the pope to give an account of the state of their particular Churches. Therefore, the subject of the article is to characterize the purposes of the visit ad limina Apostolorum. The Author describes each stage of the visit: 1) venerating the tombs of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul; 2) meeting the Roman Pontiff and 3) visiting the Roman dicasteries. The essential purpose of the visit is to strengthen collegiality and unity in the Church.
Authors and Affiliations
Patrycja Kukulska
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