„Putinowska” wizja przeszłości. Nowa koncepcja nauczania historii w świetle polityki historycznej Federacji Rosyjskiej

Journal Title: Historia i Polityka - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 11


The article investigates an issue of a new concept for teaching Russian history in secondary schools as a tool of creating the historical policy of the Russian Federation. It is also an attempt to prove the thesis that the new concept imposes the only version of the historical truth and provides an example of limiting the ideological pluralism. The author assume that the analysis of the document allows the reconstruction of the major historical policy directions of the Russian Federation during the third presidential term of Vladimir Putin (it is especially important in case of the controversial XX and XXI century). The subject of the research is however not only the document itself, but also the changes it brings to the teaching of history in Russian schools and its impact on the historical consciousness of the Russian youth.

Authors and Affiliations

Dagmara Moskwa


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  • EP ID EP257566
  • DOI 10.12775/HiP.2014.008
  • Views 60
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How To Cite

Dagmara Moskwa (2014). „Putinowska” wizja przeszłości. Nowa koncepcja nauczania historii w świetle polityki historycznej Federacji Rosyjskiej. Historia i Polityka, 0(11), 93-106. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-257566