Qualitative Analysis of ‘Shataputa Abhraka Bhasma’ Using ‘Namburi Phased Spot Test’ (NPST)
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 1
Abhrak Bhasma (calx of Mica), an unique mineral product and one among the Maharasas of the Rasashastras. Acharyas have mentioned Shataputa and Sahastraputa Abhrak Bhasma which are indeed unique attributes of Abhrak, due to its wide therapeutic utility; it is used in several formulations. Shataputa Abhraka Bhasma used traditionally in the management of Yakshma (Tuberculosis), Prameha (diabetes), Pandu (anemia), Raktapitta (blood dyscrasias), Jwar (fever), Shwasa, Kasa Vikaras (Respiratory disorders), Hrudroga ( Heart Diseases). Etc. was prepared according to the prescription in the Ayurvedic classics and subjected to various bhasma pariksha (tests for calx), including the Namburi Phased Spot Test (NPST), one of the qualitative tests described for various Ayurvedic preparations. NPST helps to differentiate between, and thus identify, various bhasmas (calx). It depends upon the pattern of the spot, which develops after a specific chemical reaction. Shataputa Abhraka Bhasma prepared by classical reference in our department was subjected to above said tests and the results ware compared with standard protocol. The prepared bhasma had shown the nearest results to standard NPST of Shataputa Abhraka Bhasma.
Authors and Affiliations
Vijaykumar S. Kotrannavar
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