Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2007, Vol 7, Issue 4
[b]Background. [/b]Kidney transplantation is an acknownledged method of treatment of end-stage failure. Rehabilitation of kidney transplant aims to restore physical and mental fitness. This study set out to assess the relationship bet[b][/b]ween kidney transplantation and quality of life and the relationship between participation in a rehabilitation programme and quality of life after kidney transplantation.[b]Material and methods. [/b]The study involved 67 patients aged 17-73 years (x = 47.5 years) who were divided into a rehabilitated and control group. The quality of life was evaluated with the SF-36 questionnaire, which the patients completed twice to reflect their situation prior to transplantation (period of dialysis therapy) and one year after transplantation.[b]Results.[/b]1. Quality of life after transplantation was regarded as higher compared to the evaluation prior to the transplantation (p<0.05 for all scores) by the entrie patient population, by the rehabilitated group and the control group taken separately.2. More positive changes were noted in the rehabilitated group.3. A comparison of the results obtained in individual patients before and after the transplantation showed that:- 25% of the patients reported no improvement in Global Quality of Life, including 15% reporting a worsening of Global QoL- almost 38% of the patients did not experience improvement in the general physical health domain- 27.6% did not experience positive changes in the general mental health domain[b]Conclusions. [/b]Kidney transplantation and participation in the rehabilitation programme positively influenced the patients' subjective evaluation of the quality of life. About 1/3 of the kidney transplant recipients did not note any improvement in functioning.
Authors and Affiliations
Mariola Wójcicka, Izabela Korabiewska, Jan Tylka
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