Quantum computer implemented with use of nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon – basics of working

Journal Title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling - Year 2008, Vol 0, Issue 1


Paper contains information about theory of constructing quantum computer. There are a few different propositions of this kind device’s implementation and, in this article, method based on nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon were characterized. The paper contains also matrix forms of unitary operators, which describe basic logical operations for quantum computer. This thesis doesn’t include author’s genuine researches’ results. The article were prepared as a training material for XXII Meeting of Cybernetic Interests’ Circle.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Wiśniewska


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How To Cite

Joanna Wiśniewska (2008). Quantum computer implemented with use of nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon – basics of working. Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling, 0(1), 69-74. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-63079