Radość chrześcijańska jako cnota eklezjalna. Na marginesie "Evangelii gaudium" papieża Franciszka
Journal Title: Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN - Year 2013, Vol 8, Issue
The article is an interpretation of the teaching of Pope Francis on „the joy of the Gospel”. An analysis of the Exhortation Evangelii gaudium has led to the conclusion that the joy of the Gospel according to Francis is a Christian virtue. Traditional theology distinguishes two categories of virtues: theological and cardinal. Benedict XVI points out to a new group of virtues: ecclesial ones. According to Francis the basis of this joy is the adoption and proclamation of the Gospel. Its source is the person of Jesus Christ. Through the union with Him, the human person is liberated from alienation, selfishness and slavery. The joy of the Gospel is being revealed in the dialogue which is an exchange of gifts between individual persons. It takes place in an encounter which gives an opportunity to know one another, God and man. The ecclesial context of joy is presented in the personal opening to Christ and in the opening of the Church to all people. Christian joy, based on Pope Francis’ concept of the joy of the Gospel, can be qualified as one of the ecclesial virtues.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. „Entering into Marriage by Proxy in the Internal Law of the Churches and Other Religious Organizations”, Rzym 24-25 maja 2018 r.
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