Radziecko (ZSRR)-chińskie (Republika Chińska) negocjacje w 1945 roku (od 11 lipca 1945 roku)
Journal Title: Cywilizacja i Polityka - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 12
The paper is a continuation of the publication presenting the Soviet (USSR)- -Chinese (Chinese Republic) negotiations in the period from 30 June to 9 July 1945. Continuation of ongoing to 14 August 1945 Soviet-Chinese negotiations in Moscow led to the signing of the package of Soviet-Chinese agreements, including a Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between China and the USSR, for 30 years, the main document of the negotiations. Other agreements, as an Agreement on the Chinese Changchun Railway, an Agreement on Port Arthur and an Agreement on Dairen (Dalnyj) restored the Russian presence in Manchuria, removed partly as a result of losing the war with Japan in 1905 and partly as a result of the sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway to Manchukuo in 1935. An Agreement on relations between the Soviet commander in chief and the Chinese administration regulated relations between Soviet Army and Chinese administration. The separate agreement (exchanges of notes) that supplemented the treaty provided, that USSR would support China morally, with the military and material assistance to the National Government as the central Government of China. And USSR reaffirmed sovereignty of China over Three Eastern Provinces. By exchange of notes China stated that it would recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia within the existing limits, if its people would opt for independence in the plebiscite.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Dmochowski
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