The article presents main theoretical approaches to the concepts of totalitari- anism and authoritarianism, simultaneously confronting them with the assumptions and essence of democracy. The comparative method was used i...
The subject of my interest is to analyze the most important conditions and dependencies regarding the attitude of the Russian Federation towards Brexit in the political, economic and military dimension. The main purpose...
Relations between Poland and Czechoslovakia, based on the 1947 pactof mutual assistance and cooperation within the communistbloc, were notregulated by consular convention following WW II. This State of affairs continued...
Arkadiusz Lewandowski (2010). Rafał Matyja, Konserwatyzm po komunizmie, Warszawa 2009. Historia i Polityka, 0(2),
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Autorytaryzm - dociekanie istoty pojęcia
The article presents main theoretical approaches to the concepts of totalitari- anism and authoritarianism, simultaneously confronting them with the assumptions and essence of democracy. The comparative method was used i...
Andrzej Wierzbicki, Etnnopolityka w Azji Centralnej. Między wspólnotą etniczną a obywatelską, Warszawa 2008
Federacja Rosyjska wobec Brexitu – szanse i zagrożenia
The subject of my interest is to analyze the most important conditions and dependencies regarding the attitude of the Russian Federation towards Brexit in the political, economic and military dimension. The main purpose...
Konwencja konsularna z 1960 roku jako próba uregulowania problematyki konsularnej w stosunkach polsko-czechosłowackich
Relations between Poland and Czechoslovakia, based on the 1947 pactof mutual assistance and cooperation within the communistbloc, were notregulated by consular convention following WW II. This State of affairs continued...
Tabloidyzacja języka i kultury, red. Irena Kamińska-Szmaj, Tomasz Piekota, Marcin Poprawa, Wrocław 2010