Randomised controlled trial comparing clinical response between hypo fractionated verses conventional fractionated radiotherapy in early stage Ca Larynx
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 11
Aim: The objective of the study is to compare the locoregional control in patients of early Ca larynx treated with hypofractionated versus conventional fractionated radiotherapy. Material and Methods: Patients with histo-pathologically proven cases of early stage Ca larynx (T1N0M0 and T2N0M0) attending Radiotherapy OPD of our institute between November 2015 and November 2016. Total of 30 patients in each arm were allocated and total of 60 patients were enrolled. Result: In this study, the most common site of primary tumor was supraglottic (53.3%) followed by glottis (46.7%). Complete response (CR) in hypofractionated (Arm A) was (96.7%) with a partial response (PR) of (3.3%) versus Complete response (CR) of (93.3%) in conventional fractionated radiotherapy (Arm B) with a partial response (PR) of (6.7%). Locoregional control at median follow-up of 1yr was (93.3%) in hypofractionated radiotherapy (Arm A) and in conventional radiotherapy (Arm B) was of (96.7%) in patients of Early Ca larynx. Conclusion: Most of our patients were Males with stage II disease. Major subsite was supraglottic followed by glottis. In early treatment response assessment response was comparable to similar studies.
Authors and Affiliations
Amitabha Manna
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