Ranking Documents Based on the Semantic Relations Using Analytical Hierarchy Process


With the rapid growth of the World Wide Web comes the need for a fast and accurate way to reach the information required. Search engines play an important role in retrieving the required information for users. Ranking algorithms are an important step in search engines so that the user could retrieve the pages most relevant to his query. In this work, we present a method for utilizing genealogical information from ontology to find the suitable hierarchical concepts for query extension, and ranking web pages based on semantic relations of the hierarchical concepts related to query terms, taking into consideration the hierarchical relations of domain searched (sibling, synonyms and hyponyms) by different weighting based on AHP method. So, it provides an accurate solution for ranking documents when compared to the three common methods.

Authors and Affiliations

Ali El-Dsouky, Hesham Ali, Rabab Rashed


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  • EP ID EP164401
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2016.070222
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How To Cite

Ali El-Dsouky, Hesham Ali, Rabab Rashed (2016). Ranking Documents Based on the Semantic Relations Using Analytical Hierarchy Process. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 7(2), 164-173. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-164401