The article’s goal is to study internal and external cost as part of the sustainable development paradigm. To illustrate such a problem the role and a scope of presented costs in the health care system are discussed. The...
significance was given to micro-economic factors describing the economic and financial situation of companies rather than to macro-economic factors. However, there is no analysis of the impact of economic sentiment on th...
The aim of the article is to present the scale of influence of economic crisis of the years 2007-09 on the real economy of Poland in comparison to the changes the EU went through during this period. The authors analyzed...
One of the basic functions of the state is mitigation of fluctuations in the business cycle. Increased activity in the period of economic slowdown should be demonstrated both by the state budget and local government unit...
Magdalena Korga (2011). Raport z realizacji projektu "Lubelski Barometr Gospodarczy". Barometr Regionalny. Analizy i Prognozy, 2011(2),
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Internal and External Costs in Sustainable Development of the Healthcare System in Poland. Case Study of the John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Głuchołazy
The article’s goal is to study internal and external cost as part of the sustainable development paradigm. To illustrate such a problem the role and a scope of presented costs in the health care system are discussed. The...
The Economic Sentiment and Dividend Policy in Poland
significance was given to micro-economic factors describing the economic and financial situation of companies rather than to macro-economic factors. However, there is no analysis of the impact of economic sentiment on th...
The effects of economic crisis of years 2007-2009 on real economy of Poland in comparison to the European Union
The aim of the article is to present the scale of influence of economic crisis of the years 2007-09 on the real economy of Poland in comparison to the changes the EU went through during this period. The authors analyzed...
An Impact of Business Cycles on Revenues and Expenditures of Communes in Poland
One of the basic functions of the state is mitigation of fluctuations in the business cycle. Increased activity in the period of economic slowdown should be demonstrated both by the state budget and local government unit...
XXVII Seminarium Geograficzno-Rolnicze i Obszarów Wiejskich „Wiejskie obszary peryferyjne — uwarunkowania i czynniki aktywizacji”, Nałęczów, 16–17 czerwca 2011 r.