Rater perceptions in tests of oral expression
Journal Title: Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
Assessment of spoken performance is often viewed in terms of various different categories relating to the language aspect of performance including provisions for vocabulary use and linguistic resources, as well as accuracy of use, contrasted with fluency. Such categories are often coupled with several other categories relating to other aspects of spoken performance, and amongst those one almost always featured in rating schemes is that of pronunciation. It is interesting to observe what happens when this category is omitted in rating scales and how this affects the perceptions of oral examiners. In this investigation, data from an Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) obtained in training and fine-tuning examiners of oral performance in tests of spoken performance in English from different educational contexts is used to draw some intriguing research conclusions
Authors and Affiliations
Przemysław Krakowian
Życie i twórczość Bolesława Taborskiego
Autorka w swym artykule porusza zagadnienia z życia i twórczości Bolesława Taborskiego, jako poety, eseisty, teatrologa, tłumacza, a le przede wszystkim jako człowieka nieprzejednanego w walce o ideały. W swojej działaln...
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