Journal Title: Ars inter Culturas - Year 2013, Vol 0, Issue 2
DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN PIANO SCHOOL IN 20TH CENTURY: MUSICAL AND EDUCATIONAL TRADITIONS AND METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES Rapid development of Ukrainian piano school is an inseparable part of European piano school’s evolution in the 20th century. The article is aimed at describing pianists’ perform- ance practice and its role in the development of national culture as well as at surveying the genesis of musical educational tradition and establishment of piano methodology. Ukrain- ian piano school is defined as a phenomenon of cultural and the 20th century 6 periods are singled out. Special attention in the structure of piano school is drawn to musical educative activities, its development having facilitated reconceptualization of the content of piano education and teaching methodology throughout different periods. The author emphasizes that piano schools leaders and their followers realized their intellectual and creative poten- tial in various performing activities and original teaching techniques. Piano class is consid- ered as a special musical and creative space at an arts educational establishment where tra- ditions are kept and transformed, new ideas emerge, creative views of young music teach- ers, who are the followers of mother piano schools, come to life and develop.
Authors and Affiliations
Наталія Гуральник
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