Reakcje na sytuacje stresowe w opinii pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w oddziałach zachowawczych
Journal Title: Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 4
Introduction. Nurses are particularly vulnerable to proffessional burnout. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyse different strategies of dealing with occupational stress among nurses working in behavioural wards. Materials and methods. The study was carried out among nurses working in behavioural wards in dr Biegański Specialist Hospital in Grudziądz. The study was aproved by the Bioethics Committee of Nicolaus Copernicus Univeristy in Toruń , Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz and the management of the hospital. Standartised Mini-Cope questionnaire torether with a questionnaire prepared by the researchers were used as study tools. Results. The respondents most often described nursing proffession as stressful. Support from superiors and coworkers and the improvement of working conditions were perceived as stress reducing factors. Active involvment in coping with stress, planning , seek emotional support , personal development and possitive reassesment were the strategies that the respondents used most often. Nurses dealt with stress and saught emotional support as their strategy of coping with stress. Conclusions. Nurses working in beahavioural wards addopted stress management as their strategy and style of coping with stress.
Authors and Affiliations
Teresa Siemianowska, Dominika Podsiadły, Robert Ślusarz
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