This paper is an interpretation of Poland’s post-Partitions history as depicted in The Grabowski Saga, a story by Tadeusz Kudliński (1980). The focus is on the attitudes of the conservative Galician landed gentry to insu...
The article deals with the consequences of a political agreement between King Ferdinand I and a part of the Bohemian opposition nobility, concluded in 1547 in order to restore stability following the Schmalkaldic War (15...
EP ID EP543179
DOI 10.15804/hso180307
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Jakub Muchowski (2018). Realizm i modernizm, sprawcy i ofiary. Odpowiedź na komentarz Macieja Bugajewskiego. Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 18(3),
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Lukáš Reitinger, Vratislav. První král Čechů, Argo, Praha 2017, ss. 535
Stańczycy – konserwatyzm, który przeminął?, red. Jacek Kloczkowski, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, Kraków 2016, ss. 143
„Babcia Austria”, Polonia rediviva i pułapki losu. Tadeusza Kudlińskiego glosa przewrotna do porozbiorowych dziejów – Saga rodu Grabowskich
This paper is an interpretation of Poland’s post-Partitions history as depicted in The Grabowski Saga, a story by Tadeusz Kudliński (1980). The focus is on the attitudes of the conservative Galician landed gentry to insu...
Consequences of the Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) for the modification of the tax system in the 16th century Kingdom of Bohemia
The article deals with the consequences of a political agreement between King Ferdinand I and a part of the Bohemian opposition nobility, concluded in 1547 in order to restore stability following the Schmalkaldic War (15...