The author hypothesizes that the corpses of Bruno of Querfurt (+1009) and his companions were buried among the Rus‘, possibly in Svyatopolk’s city of Turov. Such burial and cult could have influenced both the placing of...
The autor of this study is concerned with the occupation of a part of the northwestern Kingdom of Hungary by Bolesław I the Brave at the beginning of the 11th century. He analyses the military campaigns of the Polish pri...
The article contains an analysis of woven fascines located under the northern part of the early-medieval defensive banks on Ostrów Tumski in Poznan. The structures, similar to the contemporary timber frame structures, ha...
Jakub Muchowski (2018). Realizm i modernizm, sprawcy i ofiary. Odpowiedź na komentarz Macieja Bugajewskiego. Historia Slavorum Occidentis, 18(3),
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Martyrdom in early Christian Rus’
The author hypothesizes that the corpses of Bruno of Querfurt (+1009) and his companions were buried among the Rus‘, possibly in Svyatopolk’s city of Turov. Such burial and cult could have influenced both the placing of...
Štefan I. a Boleslav Chrabrý. Obsadenie časti Uhorska podľa Galla Anonyma a Uhorsko-poľskej kroniky* (Prvá časť)
The autor of this study is concerned with the occupation of a part of the northwestern Kingdom of Hungary by Bolesław I the Brave at the beginning of the 11th century. He analyses the military campaigns of the Polish pri...
Od tamy szkieletowej do wału obronnego na Ostrowie Tumskim w Poznaniu – uwagi o konstrukcji najmłodszej linii umocnień
The article contains an analysis of woven fascines located under the northern part of the early-medieval defensive banks on Ostrów Tumski in Poznan. The structures, similar to the contemporary timber frame structures, ha...
Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej pt. Arcybiskupstwo Poznańskie w dziejach, Poznań, 23–24 X 2017 r.
Stańczycy – konserwatyzm, który przeminął?, red. Jacek Kloczkowski, Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, Kraków 2016, ss. 143