Reasoning Methods based on the Science of Mantiq for Islamic Research Methodology


In the context of this paper, the process of reasoning refers to the shift in thinking from assumed-to-be-true statements to true statements. This is also commonly known as logic. Logic is a science that can be used as the fundamental in doing research. If an Islamic Research methodology is to be invented, what are the appropriate reasoning methods? Can logic be used or are there more appropriate reasoning methods stemming from the Islamic Tradition? Based on the above questions, this paper tried to examine the Mantiq (Islamic logic) reasoning method for Islamic Research Methodology. This study has two main objectives. First, to identify the reasoning methods in Mantiq. Second, to analyse the application of the Mantiq reasoning method as a method of reasoning in Islamic-related research. To achieve these objectives, this study utilizes the qualitative method via library research to obtain secondary data regarding Mantiq reasoning methods through a thorough examination of works on Mantiq. Thereafter, the Mantiq reasoning method is analysed as a reasoning method in Islamic-related research using textual analysis. The study found that there are at least eight Mantiq reasoning methods. First, the method to the introduction of knowledge. Second, the three stages of reasoning method. Third, describing something through ’alfaz, mafahum and masadaq method. Fourth, getting-a-holistic-view through nisbah. Fifth, defining a method based on Mantiq. Sixth, the method of constructing statements and propositions that is true through tasdiq. Seventh, the method of evaluating statements and propositions that is true or false through taqabal and ‘akas. Eighth, the methods of yaqin, zann, shakk and batil as a method of measurement in research and Islamic knowledge. The results of this study show that the application of Mantiq reasoning methods in Islamic-related research can be used as one of the reasoning methods in the construction of Islamic Research Methodology related to Islam and Moslems.

Authors and Affiliations

Shahir Akram Hassan


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  • EP ID EP605879
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i3/2848
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How To Cite

Shahir Akram Hassan (2017). Reasoning Methods based on the Science of Mantiq for Islamic Research Methodology. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(3), 800-812.