The article deals with Arrian of Nicomedia’s high estimation of the king Seleucus (calledNicator), a former officer in Alexander the Great’s army. Seleucus had created the greatest– second to Alexander, in fact – empire...
The Reverend Hugh Reginald Haweis with his book Music and Morals received an astoundingpopularity in the Victorian England. In his writings, he affirms the moral powerof music, both in temporal and eternal terms, describ...
The article presents an analysis of the concept of the soul and identity in Stoic philosophy,and refers to a combination of original texts Stoic (Cleanthes, Chrysippus) and their latercommentators (Philo of Alexandria, S...
This paper addresses the problem of possible transformation of contemporary form of
power which was described by Foucault as governmentality. The first part offers a general
introduction to the problem of governmentality...
In 2011 in Egypt and in 2014 in Ukraine, ultras became a fundamental part of the protestthat lead to the change of the government. In Germany, protest of the ultras also becamea public topic at the end of 2012. They rebe...
EP ID EP52826
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How To Cite
Anna Chęćka-Gotkowicz (2009). RECENZJE I SPRAWOZDANIA: Kultura widzenia: Od spazmu obrazu do precyzji słowa. Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica, 10(1),
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THE IDEA OF MAN AND DIVINITY IN ANTIQUITY PART II: Μέγιστον τῶν μετὰ Ἀλέξανδρον διαδεξαμένων τὴν ἀρχὴν βασιλέα: Arrian’s Judgment of Seleucus I Nicator (Anab. 7. 22. 5)
The article deals with Arrian of Nicomedia’s high estimation of the king Seleucus (calledNicator), a former officer in Alexander the Great’s army. Seleucus had created the greatest– second to Alexander, in fact – empire...
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The Social Phenomenon of Football: German ultras as political players? An analysis of the protest against the ‘Secure Stadium Experience’
In 2011 in Egypt and in 2014 in Ukraine, ultras became a fundamental part of the protestthat lead to the change of the government. In Germany, protest of the ultras also becamea public topic at the end of 2012. They rebe...