Recurrent meningitis in inner ear malformations
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 3
Authors present two cases of children with reccurent meningitis and unilateral deafness. Implemented diagnostics (CT, NMR, ABR) revealed one side inner ear congenital malformation in one case and anterior fossa bony defect accompanied by labirynthine deformation in the other case. The presence of perilymphatic fi stulae in oval and round windows and cerebrospinal fl uid leakage has been confi rmed in both cases during surgery. Carefull obliteration of the Eustachian tube and both windows has been performed. Non- complicated postoperative course (2 months and 6 years – respectively) has prooved the effectiveness of applied treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Pedro Claros, Monika Matusiak
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