Recycling of Organic Waste to make Compost by improved Technique

Journal Title: International Journal of Science and Innovative Research - Year 2021, Vol 2, Issue 04


Solid waste management is one of the major issues all over the world. Tons of waste is generated every day. The generation of waste is directly proportional to the growth of the population. As we see the growth of population is increasing day by day and the waste generation ratio also goes on increasing. If we see the general composition of solid waste then we can notice that about one-third part is organic waste. Organic waste is that waste which can decompose and gives us the useful by-product such as compost and many more. Composting is one of the recycling methods, which is very useful for the growth of plants and the betterment of soil. So this paper discusses the fabrication of grinder which makes the fine chopper of organic waste.

Authors and Affiliations

Neha Gabhane * , Deepali Chandani , Prajakta Sadhankar , Pranali Dhabale , Ruchika Rewade , Shradha Wankar , Mrunalini Dhomne , Rakesh Shambharkar


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How To Cite

Neha Gabhane *, Deepali Chandani, Prajakta Sadhankar, Pranali Dhabale, Ruchika Rewade, Shradha Wankar, Mrunalini Dhomne, Rakesh Shambharkar (2021). Recycling of Organic Waste to make Compost by improved Technique. International Journal of Science and Innovative Research, 2(04), -.