Redefining Education '˜'The Need through Innovative in Africa, for Sustainable Development hrough and Creative Learning''
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 6
Redefining education in Africa is a process that has existed over the years with the hope of addressing African realities through reviewing western orientations that dominate educational systems and practices in Africa. The past two decades have seen the emergence of a global movement that calls for a new model of learning for the twenty-first century. There is now a significant body of literature focusing mainly on three topics motivations for a new model of learning, the specific competencies and skills needed for learners to function effectively in the twenty-first century, and the pedagogy required to stimulate those capabilities. Most African countries are still grappling and yet to understand and promote learning that can foster sustainable development. This policy driven conceptual paper identifies multiple drivers working to transform the content that African learners need to be taught and the methods for teaching and learning. Conceptualizations from Experts offered diverse reasons for the need to transform learning content and pedagogy of most African countries. Persistent disengagement among youth and high early dropout rates in African have increased calls for schools to become more relevant. Changing views on the merit of formal education and emerging student characteristics are also challenging the value of the curriculum in most African states. Shifts in labour market trends and skills shortages in most African workforce have highlighted widening inadequacies in students' preparedness to tackle twenty-first century challenges. Growing concern about potential economic and global crises ahead have also led many to question whether today's African learners possess the combination of critical thinking, creativity, collaborative, and communication skills necessary to tackle future shifts in the marketplace. This paper explores these factors in depth and offers a sound rationale for redefining twenty-first century learning content and pedagogy in most African countries. Recommendations for educational planning and policy, curriculum development and teacher training dynamics were proposed for consideration. Tani Emmanuel Lukong | Sr. Therese Nyia Njamfa | Micah Ezekiel Elton Micheal"Redefining Education '˜'The Need through Innovative in Africa, for Sustainable Development hrough and Creative Learning''" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-6 , October 2017, URL:'˜'the-need-through-innovative-in-africa-for-sustainable-development-hrough-and-creative-learning''/tani-emmanuel-lukong
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