Refluks krtaniowo-gardłowy (LPR) u pacjentów z przewlekłą chrypką

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 1


SUMMARY Introduction: In 2006 The Global Consensus Group in Montreal pointed out that chronic laryngitis is highly associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Aim of the study: To evaluate the frequency of LPR in a selected group of patients with chronic hoarseness. We were also interested in assessment of the relationship between Reflux Symptoms Index (RSI) scores, Ryan scores from the pharyngeal pH monitoring and the morphological changes in the larynx according to Reflux Findings Score (RFS). In addition, we wanted to assess the frequency of various clinical symptoms included in the RSI questionnaire among patients with LPR. Materials and methods: 42 patients from an outpatient ENT clinic with chronic hoarseness and RSI 13. All subjects underwent pharyngeal pH monitoring with the Dx-pH System Restech— and laryngoscopy . Results: Among 42 patients with chronic hoarseness, LPR was confirmed in 35 patients (83.33%). In 7 subjects pharyngeal pH monitoring was normal. Among all patients with confirmed LPR, only 5 out of 8 elements of RFS laryngoscopic changes were observed. The most frequent inflammatory changes noticed included erythema of the arytenoids and interarytenoid regions (posterior laryngitis). These findings were found in 30 out of 35 patients with LPR. Median value of RFS in patients with LPR was 4.45, which is lower than the cut off value of 7 necessary for recognition of LPR. There is statistically significant positive correlation between Ryan scores and the RFS scale results (correlation coefficient 0.91, p<0.001). Conclusions: Pharyngeal pH monitoring confirmed LPR in 83.33% selected group of patients with chronic hoarseness and RSI 13. Isolated erythema of arytenoid and interarytenoid region was the most frequent inflammatory abnormality found in the larynx. RFS values below 7 do not exclude the diagnosis of LPR. We can use RFS scales as a prognostic test of severity of LPR — due to statistically significant positive correlation between Ryan score and RFS values. The use of RSI scale revealed that the most frequent symptom among patient with LPR was throat clearing followed by hoarseness.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Dymek, Lucyna Dymek, Liwia Starczewska-Dymek, Tomasz Dymek, Krzysztof Nowak


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Andrzej Dymek, Lucyna Dymek, Liwia Starczewska-Dymek, Tomasz Dymek, Krzysztof Nowak (2012). Refluks krtaniowo-gardłowy (LPR) u pacjentów z przewlekłą chrypką. Otolaryngologia Polska, 66(1), 33-38.