Reforma metod pracy biurowej resortu spraw wewnętrznych w latach 1931-1932. Przyczynek do zagadnienia usprawniania funkcjonowania urzędów administracji państwowej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
Journal Title: Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3
One of the elements the reform of functioning of the state administration of the Second Polish Republic was an attempt to improve and standardize the methods of office work. The provisions reforming the organization and functioning of the office of the Ministry of Interior, voivodeship offices, district offices and the State Police (its the General Headquarters and field units) were announced and implemented in 1931-1932. The essence of this reform was the withdrawal of correspondence registers (and accompanying them indexes). In their place the subject records schedule was introduced, which was used to register and mark correspondence coming to the office, link it to cases (files), and finally to keep records of current affairs in organizational units and then in the institutional archives as files of cases finally closed. By implementing these assumptions of office reform, Poland found itself in a small group of European countries that in their public administration used such a kind of modern office system, which was based on the use of the subject records schedule, widely used in the modernized version to the present.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Grzegorz Dąbrowski
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