Регіональні особливості та перспективи формування валютних союзів у контексті інтеграційних викликів
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 14
У статті досліджено еволюцію та сучасний стан розвитку процесів валютної інтеграції у регіонах світового господарства. Визначено регіональні особливості створення валютних союзів в Азії, Африці, Близькому Сході, Латинській Америці та Карибському басейні, Північній Америці. Оцінено альтернативні варіанти та окреслено перспективи впровадження спільних (єдиних) валют в окремих регіональних валютних об’єднаннях. Визначено ризики формування нових регіональних валютних угруповань, обґрунтовано та узагальнено чинники, які стримують подальший розвиток процесів валютної інтеграції і впровадження колективних валют у регіонах світу. he article touches upon the evolution and the current state of the monetary integration processes development in the regions of the global economy. It is noted that based on the experience of monetary cooperation between the European countries monetary unions are being formed in other regions of the world. The regional peculiarities of the creation of monetary unions in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America are determined. Alternatives of the introduction of common (single) currencies are evaluated and the prospects of monetary unions’ arrangement are outlined. It is stated that monetary integration in the region of Southeast Asia can be developed in three main scenarios of monetary union creation that can be based on the use of the Asian Currency Unit; the Japanese yen zone; the Chinese yuan as a regional currency. Among the monetary unions that currently function in Africa there are the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, which use the CFA franc. The further processes of monetary integration in Africa will develop in terms of numerous integration unions’ existence, many of which (the African Union, ECOWAS, COMESA, SADC) declare intentions to create a common financial area and to introduce a single currency. In the Middle East, the greatest progress in monetary integration is observed among the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. The introduction of a single currency in the Gulf countries was scheduled for 2010, then for 2013 and finally for 2015. However, at the end of 2016, the single currency of the Gulf countries has not yet been implemented due to the insufficient level of harmonization of financial systems of countries that are considered to be the future members of the monetary area. A characteristic feature of the monetary integration in Latin America and the Caribbean is regional currencies fixing to the US dollar, which can be explained by the traditionally high level of dollarization of economies in the region. Among the monetary unions that operate in the region there are the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union having a common currency – East Caribbean Dollar; Central American currency agreement, which participants use the Central American peso as a common currency; the countries of the Bolivarian Alliance use the Sucre as the conventional monetary unit of mutual settlements. It is determined that the issues of monetary integration in North America are developed mostly theoretically and do not rely on any official statements towards the introduction of a single currency. It can be explained by a significant difference in the levels of economic development of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Besides, Canada demonstrates a political opposition to the idea of abandoning the Canadian dollar in favor of the new regional currency, taking into account fears of falling into economic and financial dependence on the United States. It is defined that starting from the middle of the twentieth century there is an increasing interest in the development of regional monetary integration, which is reflected in the formation of monetary unions in almost all regions of the world. The factors and risks that hinder the further development of these processes are highlighted, namely: 1) the levels of economic development of countries planning to enter regional monetary union are often significantly differentiated which entails the corresponding difficulties in achieving the established criteria of economic convergence; 2) multivariate alternative scenarios for the monetary union formation and the existence of several possible contenders for the role of the regional currency; 3) the periodic aggravation of the financial and economic problems of the Eurozone, which is considered by countries of other regions as a negative experience of monetary integration, and makes them rethink the feasibility of introducing a single regional currency; 4) countries’ political opposition to joining monetary unions, high risk of falling into the financial and economic dependence on a stronger member of the monetary union; 5) the general instability of the global financial environment, which complicates the task of stabilizing the monetary and financial systems of the countries that are potential participants of the monetary union. As a result, even the formation of those monetary unions, which appearance had already been resolved and scheduled for specific terms, is periodically postponed.
Authors and Affiliations
T. Marena
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