Regulamin budowy, remontu i sprowadzania z zagranicy instrumentów w archidiecezji krakowskiej z 2007 roku

Journal Title: Musica Ecclesiastica - Year 2016, Vol 11, Issue


Drawing on the musical tradition of the Church, the Vatican Council II stated that: “In the Latin Church the pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument which adds a wonderful splendor to the Church’s ceremonies and powerfully lifts up man’s mind to God and to higher things” (CSL 120). The instruction Musicam Sacram specified this even more explicitly: “Musical instruments can be very useful in sacred celebrations, whether they accompany the singing or whether they are played as solo instruments” (MS 62). The instruction of 1987, regarding concerts in churches, reaffirmed the conciliar stipulation that the proper church instrument is a pipe organ: “It is of considerable importance that in all churches, and especially those of some importance, there should be trained musicians and instruments of good quality. Care should be given to the maintenance of organs and respect shown towards their historical character both in form and tone” (no. 7). Thereby the Church’s stance on the matter of sacred music is rigid. On 18 March 2007 Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz signed The Cracow Archdiocese Guidelines for Construction, Renovation and Import of Instruments of 2007. The document is divided into the following chapters: General rules, Construction of new organs, Reconstruction and renovation of existing organs, Transfer of organs, Post-renovation quality acceptance, Final stipulations. In the years 1997-2015, in the Cracow Archdiocese there were constructed 15 new pipe organs, 40 instruments were imported from abroad, 70 were renovated and restored. Currently, we are carrying out the renovation and reconstruction of pipe organs in 17 churches of the Archdiocese34, including the two new instruments in two leading sanctuaries: of the Divine Mercy and of John Paul II. It is possible thanks to the dedicated work of the members of the Archdiocesan Commission for Church Music and to the approbation of the Church Administrators.

Authors and Affiliations

Robert Tyrała


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How To Cite

Robert Tyrała (2016). Regulamin budowy, remontu i sprowadzania z zagranicy instrumentów w archidiecezji krakowskiej z 2007 roku. Musica Ecclesiastica, 11(), 77-83.