Regulamin Zgromadzenia Narodowego. Refleksje na tle art. 114 ust. 2 Konstytucji RP

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2015, Vol 126, Issue 1


The article deals with the rules of the National Assembly as a special kind of a normative act. Consideration of the issue is preceded by an overview of the history of the National Assembly in the Second and the Third Republic of Poland, and presentation of disputes among the representatives of the legal doctrine relating to the nature of the body. The fi rst major problem, discussed by the author, is the scope of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly. In the subsequent part of the article, refl ections are presented on the legal nature of the act and, in particular, its place in the system of sources of law. In the final part of the article, the author examines some practical aspects involving the functioning of the provision of Polish constitution requiring the National Assembly to adopt its Rules of Procedure.

Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Radajewski


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How To Cite

Mateusz Radajewski (2015). Regulamin Zgromadzenia Narodowego. Refleksje na tle art. 114 ust. 2 Konstytucji RP. PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY, 126(1), 45-61.